Badger Pumpkin Patch

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Badger Pumpkin Patch
9122 Elyria Road
West Salem, OH
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Badger Pumpkin Patch is pick your own pumpkin farm located at West Salem, Ohio. In fall, Badger Pumpkin Patch offers hayrides, pumpkins, a petting zoo, and a straw maze.

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

Latest Reviews

  • For only $2.00 I can get a lot of pumpkins. I give some away to my neighbors.

    Posted Sep 2021

  • We have been coming to Badger Farm for about 20 years in the fall. This is a great family friendly place where you can drive out onto the acres of crops and pick your pumpkins right off the vine. Such a treat for the kids! Everything is at very reasonable prices which allows you to go home with a bunch of pumpkins and not break the bank. When we first went several years ago any pumpkin you picked was $1. They have gone up a little since then but still any pumpkin you pick is still one great price and makes for a great day!

    Posted Sep 2021

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