Baldwin Farms

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The Baldwin Farms Pumpkin Festival is a local tradition in Madison County. Visitors come from many counties to choose the perfect pumpkin and fall displays while spending time with their families. Children like to visit our pets and play in the hay maze, on Baldwin Dirt Hill, Cal's Adventure Maze and other activities. On weekends, we have pony rides.

Wagons to Haul Pumpkins
Hay Maze
Corn Hole
Jump Baldwin Dragon
Rolling Tumblers
Climb Kids Straw Bales
Climb Mt. Baldwin Dirt Hill
Crawl through Tunnel
Ride Ponies
Games & Activities
Seed Search
Friendly Animals
Climb Giant Caterpillar
View the Girl Scout Scarecrow

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
Visit Baldwin Farms in Richmond!

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