Boyd Orchards

Located in the heart of the Bluegrass, Boyd Orchards offers fresh seasonal fruit, farm fun for all ages, and delicious baked goods in our Cafe.
Fall Festivals:
Every fall we celebrate our abundance fruit! Starting in mid-September, each weekend we have a festival at Boyd Orchards with activities for all ages! Pick your own pumpkin, take a hayride, navigate our corn maze, eat one of our apple cider donuts or homemade pies, or take a breath-taking trip down our 90 foot slide!
Pumpkin Festival:
Big Pumpkins. Little Pumpkins. Traditional Pumpkins. Odd Shaped Pumpkins. PINK Pumpkins. BLUE Pumpkins. Have you ever had such a selection of PUMPKINS?!?!?! Boyd Orchards has a GREAT selection of pumpkins! Join us as well take the weekend to celebrate the Pumpkin!
Activities & Attractions:
Corn Maze
Take a hayride around the orchard
Pick some apples
Amazing playgrounds for Kids
90 foot slide
3 story tree house
Giant Hay Castle
Train rides
Face painting
Animals to pet and feed