DJ's Berry Patch

DJ's Berry Patch is a pre-picked or pick-your-own Strawberry and Produce Farm. The fall brings pumpkins and mums. The fall season begins sometime in late September to early October.
Farm and Pumpkin Stand:
Need pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns, decorating or home-baked pumpkin pies? Drop by our market in the fall for small, medium and large pre-picked pumpkins. We grow a wide variety of decorative and cooking pumpkins plus gourds. While you're here pick up:
Indian corn
Hay bales
Corn stalks
sweet potatoes
NC apples
Fall Mums:
Lots of colors and varieties of mums are available from our farm market in Apex. We grow our own mums. Mums add a welcomed splash of autumn's finest colors to any North Carolina home.