Guyette Farms

10833 Chamberlain Rd.
Mantua, OH
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Guyette Farms is committed to providing unique family fun activities. While visiting our maze, we want our guests to have the opportunity to spend quality time together while enjoying all the fun.
Our maze is designed and cut by hand. We try to design a maze that is both short enough for families with small children and yet challenging enough for avid maze enthusiasts. We offer several exits throughout the maze so that when you and your family have "had enough" you can escape. Each guest is provided a map to help with navigation. Throughout the maze, you will find checkpoints to help you locate where you are and to provide you with interesting facts.
The 30 minute hayride gives guests the opportunity to relax as they journey around our farm seeing the sugar house, ponds, pasture of cows and beautiful fields. The ride also stops at the pumpkin patch.
Pumpkin Patch
Visit our patch and pick your own pumpkin! Pumpkins from the patch are 25 cents/lb.
Round Bale Obstacle Course
Small Bale Maze
Corn Box
Corn Box Slide
Petting Zoo
Launching Pad
40 ft and 80 ft Slides
Gourd Golf