Huckleberry Trail Farm

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Looking for a place to have family fun, Huckleberry Trail Farm is the place to be. Fun filled attractions for all ages. After going through the maze and taking a hayride down to the pumpkin patch, come play in our fully enclosed farmyard. The fun and the view go on forever.


Corn Maze:
Our corn maze is 4.5 acres of stalks and bushels of fun. Our design is an old-fashioned maze that has just enough turns to make it challenging but not too many so that the young ‘uns get frustrated and come out crying. We have designed our maze as two different mazes with an “escape path” right through the middle. You can take either the 5 station or 10 station challenge. And if you want to take a break before completing the maze, you can easily walk out and then pick up where you left off. So come on out and give it a try. We are sure you will be aMAZEd at what we can do with corn!!!

Climb aboard and let the Great Pumpkin take you on a hayride down to the pumpkin and cotton patch. HayrideWhat’s the Great Pumpkin? It’s our big orange Kubota tractor with personality! The ride will follow the same path as the Old Wagon Trail that runs along the edge of our property-the same Wagon Trail that took settlers out west in the 1800's. If you look closely in the woods, you can still see the ruts from the wagon wheels. Remember to tuck in your shirt before getting aboard-if you don’t, you may get off looking like a scarecrow!

Pumpkin Patch:
A trip to Huckleberry Trail Farm isn’t complete with a ride down to the The Patch-proudly sponsored by Piggly Wiggly of Pittsboro and Siler City. At the end of the hayride, you’ll find a fenced-in vegetable patch. Here’s where we’ve been growing many of the pumpkins available for sale, from the itty bitty baby pumpkins to the ones that are almost as big as a beach ball. We’ve also been growing some cotton so that kids can see where their Q-tips and clothes come from. Down in the patch area, you will find tables set up to decorate your pumpkin. Otherwise, you can grab your pumpkin and hop back on the hay ride for the trip back to the Farmyard.

Ga-ga Ball Pit:
Huckleberry Trail Farm is home of the ONLY log built Ga-ga Ball Pit in the world.

Corny Corn Hole
Duck Races
Hula Hoopin’
Giant Bubbles
Jack O’Lantern Bowling
Pumpkin Checkers
Hay Maze Jr.
Old-Timey Toy Table
Corn Diggin’ Trough .

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

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