Island Farm

Island Farm is a living history site c.1847 on Roanoke Island, NC. The mission of Island Farm is to inspire curiosity about the diverse history of mid-19th century Roanoke Island by creating authentic, tangible, and meaningful visitor experiences with the farm's buildings, landscapes, stories, and animals.
Things to do:
Pumpkin Patch - pick out your favorite pumpkin.
Ox-Drawn Wagon Rides:
Ox-drawn wagon rides around the trails on the farm are a popular feature for all ages to enjoy.
19th-century Toys and Games:
Children will enjoy playing games that the Etheridge children played in the 1850s.
Feed the Chickens:
Have fun calling the chickens and feeding them from your hand.
Pumpkin Tic-Tac-Toe
Scare crow photo station