Royal Oak Farm Orchard

Our Entertainment Area has no admission fee and is the location of our Pavilion, Petting Zoo, Royal Oak Express Train, Royal Oak Carousel, Concert Gazebo, Playground, Snack Shop and Orchard Tours. Each season Royal Oak Farm has plenty of activities and special events for children and adults to enjoy throughout the Entertainment Area and our Amaze 'N Apples. We also offer one of the largest selections of winter squash available in one place in all sizes, shapes, & colors.
Pick your own Pumpkin Patch:
If you prefer to pick your own pumpkins, head over to our pumpkin U-pick entrance on the east side of the orchard at our new Harvest Barn. We provide pumpkin wheel barrows for your use in picking of all your gourds, winter squash, and pumpkins so don't bring your own.
Pre-Picked Pumpkins:
Don't want to pick your own pumpkins? Then visit our pre-picked pumpkin patch at the north end of the Harvest Barn for fresh picked pumpkins, squash and gourds. There's a play area for the kids that includes hay Mountain and over a dozen different variets of pumpkins to choose from, including those pumpkins that look like they have warts growing all over 'em!
There is hardly anything that can beat the fun of an old fashion hayride through our 120 acre orchard. Memories are created and cherished by everyone, and you'll certainly remember your hayride at Royal Oak Farm. Your group will enjoy an antique tractor-driven hay ride of approx. 30 minutes while touring the orchard.
Petting Zoo:
Visit our petting zoo and see a variety of farm animals that could include; calves, lambs, goats, rabbits, various chickens, ducks, roosters and our beautiful Royal Oak Guinea Hens. Sanitizing hand washers are available for washing your hands as you leave. The Petting Zoo is free.
A ride on the Royal Oak Express train:
Young and old alike can take a ride on the "Royal Oak Express"- a 19th century replica train inspired by authentic railroad tradition. This is not just a kiddie train ride - parents can ride right along if they like and take pictures of your child on the train.
A ride on the Royal Oak Carousel:
Hop on the "Royal Oak Carousel" and round up one of the 14 horses or take a seat in the chariot as you listen to old fashioned calliope music. Our 18' High-Lite Carousel will take you and your children back to the days of the country fair as you enjoy your ride and the view of the surrounding countryside.
Children love our large play group toys including a John Deer tractor, fire engine, Noah's Ark, plus full size Doll (play) Houses. Sit and relax on a bench or picnic table as your children enjoy the play area or meander over to the snack shop for a hot cup of cider or coffee and a cider donut.
A Royal Oak Farm Orchard Tour:
Royal Oak Farm Orchard Tours are both fun and educational for young and old alike. This is a great way to get a history of our orchard and see the whole orchard operation.