Sugar Grove Pumpkin Farm & Produce

4S041 Merrill Rd
Sugar Grove, IL
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Activities & Cornmaze: NOT AVAILABLE IN 2020 DUE TO COVID 19
Moonlight Maze: CANCELLED due to COVID 19
Sugar Grove Pumpkin Farm invites you to celebrate the beauty of Autumn in a charming, vintage family farm setting! As we bid farewell to Summer, Autumn decor will be abundant with fifty+ stunning pumpkin and gourd varieties, broom corn, ornamental corn and straw bales. We will also have corn stalk bundles and beautiful 9” mums to choose from. Keep an eye out for bonus offers, too!
Wonderful things are happening at Sugar Grove Pumpkin Farm and we very excited for year three!!
Corn Maze
Ornamental Corn
Broom Corn
Mini pumpkins and gourds
Corn stalks
Straw bales