Stoughton Farm

Stoughton Farm is a greenhouse, roadside farm market, and "MAiZE" site located in Newark Valley, NY. Fall brings all-new produce and attractions to Stoughton Farm. Our front lawn overflows with fresh, home-grown pumpkins of all shapes and sizes for your baking or jack-o-lantern needs. We also carry a wide variety of winter squashes (acorn, spaghetti, and butternut, to name a few) and stock numerous types of New York State apples.
Corn Maize:
The centrepiece of Stoughton Farm's fall attractions is the eight-acre Corn Maze.
Fall Weekends Attractions:
Jumping Pillow:
Not open during night maze. Closed When Wet. Jump With Tickets or get an all day pass!
Not open during night maze. Ride with tickets or get an all day pass!
Pumpkin Blaster & Corn Cannon:
Shoot with tickets.
Cow Train:
Ride with tickets or get an all day pass! Not Open During Night Maze.
Fresh Popped Kettle Corn:
Available on Weekends & Night Maze.
PVC Tube Slides:
Part of our free Children's Playground. A great way to occupy our youngest of visitors. Adult supervision required. Playground closed during night maze.
Friendly Fire Air Gun:
Play Friendly Fire with Tickets! Enter a friendly battle in our enclosed Friendly Fire Arena! Shoot friends, while hiding behind obstacles with this friendly fire air gun! Open weekends during maze season. Not open during Night Maze. Check out the Friendly Fire Arena Image for more information.
Spider Web:
Part of our free children's playground! Playground Closes at Dusk.
Duck Race:
Free Rubber Ducky Race Fun For all Ages! Open Daily, Closed at Dusk, Free!
Friendly Fire Arena:
Play Friendly Fire with Tickets! Avoid gunfire behind haybales and barrels while entering a friendly battle, Air guns shoot soft foam balls, in this fenced in arena. Open during maze season on weekends. Not open during night maze.
Tug-O-War: Free activity.
Spongebob Heads:
We have dozens of FREE photo opportunities across the farm! Others include:
Stoughton's Headlock
"Watch me Grow"
Stoughton County Jail
Giant Pumpkins
Maze Entrance Sign
& More Changing yearly