Sullivan Farms Pumpkin Patch

16704 New Halls Ferry Rd
Florissant, MO
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Sullivan Farms Pumpkin Patch is a great place for family fun from pumpkins to riding horses (weekends in October) to bouncing in the bounce house, fun for all ages!
While this summer has been hot, hot we have a nice selection of pumpkins with all the fall gourds and squash. Come on out and jump on the free hayride and take a trip through the always exciting free straw castle maze.
Back by popular demand, we have the fresh baked Pumpkin, Zuchini, and Banana Nut breads again this year along with fresh apple cider, and always a favorite, the fresh baked cup cakes and Butter Popcorn will be available on the weekends.
Bring the kids out for a wonderful Pony Ride again this year back by popular demand! We have Pony Rides that will give the kids a memory they will forever remember. The kids love the small petting zoo and the animals change from week to week.
Sullivan Farms Pumpkin Patch #2 Location
94 Fort Howard Acres (between Old Monroe & Winfield)
Windfield, MO 63389