Pumpkinpalooza at Zoomars

31791 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano, CA
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Here at ZOOMARS PUMPKINPALOOZA you'll meet kunekune pigs, super sweet sheep, loveable llamas and friendly cows. Feed apples to the zeedonks, hear turkeys gobble for grapes and watch the odd-looking emu as she stretches her neck for carrot. Follow Tonka the tortoise as he cruises the grounds while a mommy hen and her chicks scurry by.
Hop in the bunny patch to cuddle with cottontails, and then brave the goat pen for some very big hugs!
There's more to do than petting too.
We've got a playground, a corn box, mini-train, even horses and ponies to ride! Grab a snack in our coffee shop then stroll the historic district and step back in time.
Innocent, old-fashioned and amazingly affordable.
We're big-time fun at a guinea-pig price. ZOOMARS is geared mostly for preschoolers but a hoot for all ages. Most families need about two hours for a good visit but you're welcome to stay all day. Dress comfortably and be prepared to get a little dusty...you are on a farm after all.